Category: Introduction and About Me


I have traveled far. From the edge of the seas and the oceans, I have come to this place. I’ve left behind me friends, possessions, and a life that no longer resonates with truth. I have traveled over land and hill to the vast lands of desert. Here the...


I have always had a knowing of the Great God that gave me life, this is my foundation and the message of my writing. I write to share the experiences of my path, the illumination of my ignorance, my resistance, and my ways into awakening. This path is not...

About Me

As a child, I was taught about dysfunction through my environment and family. Both my father and mother provided me with intense and overwhelming obstacles to overcome. My history includes the curriculum of neglect, poverty, mental illness, depression, co-dependency, emotional abuse, and many others. Through time and understanding, I...


The process of awakening is a path that continues to enlighten an individual by illuminating previously unknown and unperceived wisdom with each step....