
I have traveled far. From the edge of the seas and the oceans, I have come to this place. I’ve left behind me friends, possessions, and a life that no longer resonates with truth. I have traveled over land and hill to the vast lands of desert. Here the sands stretch out in every direction and the lands are barren and unknown. As I scan my surroundings, I notice great tracks coming from far in the distance and traveling on far beyond my view. The tracks have a determined and steady path that is unbending. I step across the large and curious tracks and begin to walk between two of them toward a great shining light in the distance. As I walk and look ahead, I see immense trains on the horizon heading in my direction. At first, I only see the typical appearance of the trains, the expected form, shape, and function. I wonder where the trains are going on these tracks with such a determined and unbending destination.  As the trains get closer, I begin to notice the greatness of the trains. They stretch above me hundreds of feet into the air. I notice innumerable windows lining the sides and fronts of the trains, one stacked upon another. As I look into the windows, I see hundreds of thousands of people going about their daily lives as if it were completely normal to have Hong Kong cities traveling on trains. I have stopped with my feet warm in the sand and begin to consider the sight before me. I take in the massive size, shape, and magnitude of the vessels and the overwhelming populations contained within. Unexpectedly, as if in slow motion, two of the massive and powerful trains begin to tip into each other. The sound and vibrations are intense and hold me riveted to my place. They come to a stop in a great V wedged against each unable to move in any direction. I hear a voice telling me to look and see the path that is created under the large structures. This path remains untouched and safe, protected by the massive engines, and shaded from the heat of the desert. I look and see light shining through the passageway and am told to step forward into the safe way. At first, I feel intimidated and unsure by the greatness of the machines, their height, their passengers, their position. What if they were to fall on me? What if someone were to see me? I am prodded again by a feeling inside myself to step through. I take a deep breath and forge ahead beneath the vessels. As I walk forward on the untouched path, I am told that the trains are a representation of the nations of the earth. Each nation full of its thousands and tens of thousands. The nations, I am told, are driven by greed, domination, power, gain, and many other choices that lead them on a determined path to destruction. Their paths are set, and they will fall upon each other to their own destruction. I am shown that contrary to this path of darkness and destruction is the path that passes in its cracks, between its wake and in its shadow. The way is unnoticed and beyond the awareness of the nations of the earth. This is the path I must walk. In this safe and protected path, I am unnoticed and inconsequential. I am so small that I pose no threat to the nations. I seek not for their power, greed, dominance, or gain. I have nothing of interest for them and they are unaware of the light that I hold and that shines to light my way. I seek not for their power, greed, oppression, or gain. I seek for peace, clarity, love, kindness, wholeness, unity, and oneness. What good are these desires to them? How weak and insignificant I am. I walk forward gaining greater knowledge and understanding with every step. I walk toward the light and know instinctively that I am walking toward my people, my family, those whose ways are no longer tied to the nations. I walk toward those who seek for the peaceable path, those who seek to bring duality and division into oneness of heart and mind. I walk with those who are the bearers of light. We will leave the nations behind for a better way, and they (the nations) will destroy themselves and bring their own destruction. While they sink in darkness those of us who walk in the light will build a new way and a new life– a way of peace. I am told we are the dawning of a new era. We are the bearers of light and contrary to what the world would teach we do not use violence and resistance to conquer. We use awareness, clarity, love, kindness, and patience. And we allow the darkness to sink in upon itself into its own contraction and destruction while we join our power to the way of light.